Saturday, March 29, 2003

The Morning After
Rules on going to the Barrister's Ball:

1. Remember, you have to work in the morning. Getting in at 3:00 a.m. is NOT a good idea.
2. Being nice will get you everywhere. Even in to see George Clinton without a ticket.
3. Being nice will also get you the HOB's hostess' phone number.
4. Setting up a buffet dinner during lent is not a good idea for a Catholic University.
5. Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, never fear. And always eat before both.
6. Always remember, when the after party is at a bar, it's a good idea to bring your ID.
7. Bouncers are not known for their sense of humor.
8. When you are drunk, things you think are funny aren't always to others.
9. Combining #6, #7 & #8, is not a good idea.
10. The homeless guy flagging cabs will not take no for an answer - even if you try to just walk away.
11. Whoever invented caffeine is a god in my book. 'Nuff said.

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